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Luckily someone's there to hold him tight. OR: Hunter is still tormented by his trauma. Hunter let go of their hair with one hand, brought it up to their vision (pointedly ignoring the very visible trembling in his fingers) and raised four fingers up. It still felt like there was a metal ball chained around his lungs. no beta we die like every single other grimwalker.this literally doesn't need that much tags.Hunter | The Golden Guard Has Nightmares (The Owl House).He/Him and They/Them Pronouns for Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House).Hunter | The Golden Guard-centric (The Owl House).Hunter | The Golden Guard Has Panic Attacks (The Owl House).Eda Clawthorne Adopts Hunter | The Golden Guard.Trans Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House).Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House).Eda Clawthorne & Hunter | The Golden Guard.

Azzyyo2 (reiyosan) Fandoms: The Owl House (Cartoon)

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